Scroll down for English version • Di penghujung 90an Depar dan saya rajin mendesain baju sendiri, sekadar ingin tampil keren saja saat kongkow-kongkow di akhir pekan. Kebetulan kami berdua bekerja di garmen yang sama. Akses untuk mencipta busana relatif mudah: tukang jahit/sablon/bordir, apa saja, semua ada. Seiring waktu berjalan ternyata busana yang kami cipta meraih puja-puji berlebih. Sirkel terdekat mulai memesan baju dari kami. Hingga kemudian orang dari lingkar luar pun minta didesainkan busana. Respons menakjubkan tersebut menginspirasi kami untuk melahirkan jenama busana sendiri: SUICIDE GLAM. Entitas Maximum Rock-n-Roll Couture ini ternyata belakangan tak sekadar menggegar skena busana tapi juga melebar ke budaya pop, berawal lokal lalu melebar ke nasional.
Semua kisah, mitos, ghibah glampunkabilly Suicide Glam dibahas tuntas di TBFU #2 dengan menghadirkan beberapa sosok utama yang memang pekat terlibat di orbit SG: Depar, Marmar, Dedick, dan Fesi, serta Putra sebagai pemantik ekstra. Sayang Roy berhalangan. TBFU
In the late 1990s, Depar and I frequently designed our own clothing. The idea was quite superficial: to stand out from the crowd, to appear more stylish than everyone else, cooler-than-thou. We were both working in the same garment factory. We had relatively easy access to designing clothes: tailors, screen printers, embroiderers, it was all right there. As time passed, turned out that our self-designed garments had received excessive praise. The closest circle began ordering clothes from us. The circle grew, and a friend of a friend of a friend asked us to design their clothing. These amazing responses inspired us to start our own apparel line: SUICIDE GLAM. This Maximum Rock-n-Roll Couture entity has eventually shaken up not only the fashion scene but also the whole pop culture.
All the stories, myths, and glampunkabilly gossips are discussed quite in detail in the 2nd edition of TBFU, which features several of SG’s main figures: Depar, Marmar Herrz, Dedick Punksta, Fesi Feska, & Putra Dyatra as a discussant. Unfortunately, Roy couldn’t make it.
TBFU Street Team:
ADI PVTRA PRATAMA (post-production editor)
KITA KOMUNIKA (production team)
BREMAN (fresh beer)
RTB (venue Bunker)
STARWARD (RD social lubricant)
RANGER HIJAW (theme song)