Gejala-gejala sosial di Indonesia selalu menjadi alasan sebagian besar bangsanya untuk bersikap apatis terhadap lingkungan sekitar karena terkadang membuat masyarakat terbelit dan terpojok dengan kebijakan-kebijakan aneh yang lahir di tengah-tengah mereka. Sementara itu polisi-polisi moral menjadi arogan dan self pretentious dengan alibi-alibinya agar bisa terlihat peduli dan bekerja atas nama negara Indonesia dan kepentingan institusi atau organisasinya. Sajama Cut mungkin salah satu di antara jutaan orang dan ribuan band di Indonesia yang melihat fenomena ini dan mengkritik lewat double single "Twice (Rung the Ladder)" / "Poral Molice" yang dirilis serentak secara digital melalui beberapa situs online yang salah satunya adalah di hari Kamis, 24 Februari 2011.
Back by popular demand, the JFCC Charity Jam will be held in less than three weeks! That's right, what better way to spend a Saturday night than listening to some of the best indie rock in the country while at the same time raising money for a good cause? This year, the line-up features three acts---KOIL, Efek Rumah Kaca and Sajama Cut---at a sweet, new location in central Jakarta - the Akmani Hotel on Jalan Wahid Hasyim, in Menteng. On the first floor of the hotel is an airy, outdoor/indoor terrace called the Terrazo Bianco, which we will have to ourselves starting at 8 PM on Saturday, March 12. An adjacent lounge will also be available for those who want to chill and have drinks, though tickets are needed for both.
For Indonesian version please click hereAfter their last phenomenal album in 2005, The Osaka Journals, which was chosen as one out five greatest album of the decade by the Jakarta Post, Sajama Cut are back in full effect. A few weeks ago they released their third and latest work: Manimal. This album contains 8 songs and nothing has changed: Sajama Cut are still genre-free band. They, Marcel Thee (vocal, guitar), Dion Panlima Reza (guitar), Andre Humala (keyboard, synth, percussion), Randy Apriza Akbar (bass), Hans Citra Patria (keyboard, percussion), and Banu Satrio (drum); are as excited as ever before about having a wild adventure with Folk, Rock, Ambient, Sunshine & Baroque Pop---you name it, it's there. And at the same time retaining consistency with their absurd English lyrics. Manimal---the name came from an action-adventure 80s tv series---was recorded in their own studio, Movement. And during a whole year process the whole crew isolated themselves from the public, minimizing any distractions for a great record. Stay connected with Marcel Thee and co. by visiting
Edition: May 05, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ERIC WIRJANATAAnother Reason to Live:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, handpicked and written by Eric Himself :: ...Lagu-lagu berikut ini mungkin tidak akan merubah hidup anda, tetapi mereka akan membuat malam hari ini terasa lebih indah...
Dari sedemikian padat populasi penggiat Indie, yang berhak mendapat atensi gigantik, menurut saya, cuma sejumput. Satu di antara yang sedikit itu adalah Sajama Cut. Selain menonjolkan karakter lirik non-konvensional dan bernuansa abstrak---via Bahasa Inggris yang sempurna---pula menggunakan pendekatan musikal berbeda: Indie Rock nan dinamis, terus berevolusi, tanpa limitasi, kerap memasukkan unsur-unsur musik baru, suatu masa bernafas Country & Folk, suatu saat bernuansa Chamber Pop, suatu ketika ada warna Electronica.


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