Edition: February 10, 2010Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ALDO SIANTURIMusic from the Heart, Speak Art!:: Playlist & notes, handpicked and written by Aldo Himself :: What I like most about music is how musicians are trying to speak to me, tell me something, send me a message. And nothing is more satisfying than realizing that message and acting on it. So with this opportunity I thank to everybody who love music from their heart. Just ignore everybody when you speak art!
Mungkin momen yang tak terjadi pada setiap orang bisa mengenal musik Rock semenjak usia 8. Dan lagi, yang dikenal adalah grup macam Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Led Zeppelin, dll seangkatannya di tahun 1978. Itu karena Oom saya yang nge-Rock abis dimana kita tinggal di Bandung
Edition: December 02, 2009Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: STUART WILFORDGentlemen Take Polaroids:: Playlist and notes, handpicked and written by Stuart Himself :: ...There have been a lot of influential songs over the past decades and it’s hard to narrow it down to this many. Half of the artists listed here could be an entire show in themselves, but here they are, my Block Rockin' Beats...
Edition: October 28, 2009Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: ATHRON MCCANNWhy Sing It When You Can SCREAM IT!:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and (most) photos, written and handpicked by Athron Himself :: ...Paying respect to those who know how to get their point across…
This is the second and third edition of The Block Rockin' Beats, presenting songs from the likes of Van Halen, Sepultura, Krokus, Saxon, Raven, Judas Priest, Fu Manchu, Sonic Youth, EPMD, Happy Mondays, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, etc. Also kickass videos by Seringai, Wu-Tang Clan, and Ratt.
This is the very first edition of The Block Rockin' Beats, played on 09/09/09; presenting songs from the likes of AC/DC, Beastie Boys, Talking Heads, Black Label Society, Motorhead, Iggy Pop ft. Kate Pierson, Suicidal Tendencies, etc. Also check out rare video clips of Soldier of Fortune by Loudness and Injected with a Poison by Praga Khan.
Di skena musik Nusantara, bentukan jari-jari macem begitu lebih dikenal dengan istilah "Salam Metal" (komplet diiringi dengan gaya nyengir seraya menggeram: "Aaaargh...!!!"). Nah, bahasa ilmiahnya adalah "Mano Cornuta" yang lalu di-Bahasa Inggriskan menjadi "The Devil Horns".


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