Back by popular demand, the JFCC Charity Jam will be held in less than three weeks! That’s right, what better way to spend a Saturday night than listening to some of the best indie rock in the country while at the same time raising money for a good cause?
This year, the line-up features three acts that cover multiple genres of music at a sweet, new location in central Jakarta – the Akmani Hotel on Jalan Wahid Hasyim, in Menteng. On the first floor of the hotel is an airy, outdoor/indoor terrace called the Terrazo Bianco, which we will have to ourselves starting at 8 PM on Saturday, March 12. An adjacent lounge will also be available for those who want to chill and have drinks, though tickets are needed for both.
First up, Sajama Cut. You may already have a feel for this band and not even know it. Lead singer Marcel Thee is the arts critic from the Jakarta Globe whose biting, caustic wit on the printed page is second only to his preternatural ability to write pithy pop songs to some of the catchiest music swimming outside of the mainstream. After two full albums, Sajama Cut, who sing in English, are one of those multi-talented bands that cite influences as rare as a clean-air day in Jakarta.
Our second band is the critically-acclaimed Efek Rumah Kaca. When this trio hit the stage, be prepared to feel the hair rise on the back of your neck. Whether you understand their Indonesian lyrics or not, the dulcet tones of frontman Cholil’s voice will leave you floored and begging for more. Rooms expand when these guys get together and your
mind will as well.
Lastly, instead of the room expanding, get ready for it to explode when our third and final band, KOIL, bring to bear their industrial rock of yore. Fans of the genre and Nine Inch Nails will love this veteran outfit from Bandung. These four guys are legendary not only
for their music but also the costumes they often wear…and make themselves!
Don’t miss out on this year’s jam session that will raise money for the JFCC Memorial Fund, whose proceeds go every year to training Indonesian journalists. Like last year, you can buy tickets at our office for the pre-sale price of 100,000 rupiah or at the door for 150,000 rupiah.
Tickets are on sale now!
To purchase tickets please email or call 390.3628.
This event is open to the public.
*Sajama Cut – photo taken from their Facebook page
*Efek Rumah Kaca – photo taken from
*Koil – this page, photo taken from | front page, courtesy of Ryan Koesuma