Domestic Groove: VICKY SHU

DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking. For the 22nd edition I went upclose-and-personal with Vicky Shu.

DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb’s Chosen Seven is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it’s an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia’s public figures are really into, musically speaking.

For the 22nd edition I went upclose-and-personal with Vicky Shu.

Singer, Shoe Designer


What music are you into at the moment?
Just found my old CD on the rack, Nevermind, by Nirvana. I copied all the songs to my iPod, so, yeah, I’m now listening to the whole album over and over again.

What was the first record you bought—any interesting story behind it?
It was Vina Panduwinata’s 3rd album, Citra Ceria. No interesting story to tell, actually. My Mom said I always sang all of Vina’s songs and so I asked her to get me one. She bought me one. I think the cassette’s gone now (sighs).

What is your all-time favorite album? Why?
Frank Sinatra, Nothing But the Best. It’s EPIC.

What was the worst record you ever purchased?
None. Maybe I’m just too easily amused by anything. If many say it’s ugly, I say they just don’t like it. It’s just a matter of taste, in my opinion.

Who do you want to be, other than yourself, next time you reincarnate?
Ah, anyone. I’ve reincarnated as too many different characters already, anyway. Now let me ask you: who do you want me to be?

What music do you choose to start your weekend?
Some Britney would be alright.

And music you choose to end your weekend?
Massive Attack songs are cool, don’t you think?

Vicky Shu is currently promoting her 2nd single “Pacar Kamu”, taken from her debut album, Drink Me. Her super-tight TV and performance schedule doesn’t stop her from working on her business: SyuShu – a premium line of edgy designer shoes. “My passion for designing shoes is as big as for music. Even when I sleep, I keep dreaming about designing shoes, even while singing,” Vicky said.


*This interview was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #45, August 2011
*Photos by Ade Putri

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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