Devildice: Hulubalang Mawar Hitam

• Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniDevildice, a group of musicians from Bali masterminded by JRX, the drummer of Superman Is Dead, have come back with their second album. While the first album, In the Arms of the Angels (2004), was self-produced, this latest one, Army of the Black Rose (June 2011), was put together through Sony Music Indonesia. Over 11 songs, JRX, the main song writer, talks mostly about nihilism, life and love, pain and rain. They also invite some guest stars to participate. Sari Nymphea performs a duet with JRX on the Johnny Cash-June Carter inspired song, "Diamonds are Forever", backed up by Leo and Kappe Sinatra on guitar and contrabass. Hendra Fish (Telephone) also plays guitar on "Palace of My Own Disgrace". Familiarize yourself with this rock-n-roll punk quintet by checking them out first on their MySpace and Facebook page. Dig their old gangster movie and kustom kulture image and go ahead and buy the album!

• English version please scroll down

Setelah pada 2004 merilis album perdana secara swadaya, In the Arms of the Angels, butuh waktu hingga tujuh tahun bagi Devildice untuk muncul lagi ke publik dan melahirkan Army of the Black Rose.

Devildice? Well, bisa jadi cuma segelintir yang ngeh siapa—atau apa—Devildice. Namun ketika menyebut JRX, the Rock-n-Roll Prince Charming, pasti langsung sumringah dan mengaku akrab, kenal, tahu. Ya, Devildice adalah projek lain dari si penggebuk drum Superman Is Dead. JRX yang juga bertindak sebagai penulis lagu di SID merasa sebagian tembang moody yang diciptakannya tak pas masuk ke karakter trio punk rock tersebut. Sudah begitu, ia lalu mendirikan Culture On Fire pada 1997—dan berevolusi menjadi Devildice pada 2002—untuk mengekspresikan “kisah tak sampai”-nya. Di kuintet yang dibentuknya bersama Kuzz (bas) serta kini disokong Cash (gitar), T.R. (drum) serta Mr. F (trumpet), JRX mengerjakan banyak hal: ya sebagai motor kelompok, ya penulis lagu, ya biduan, ya gitaris. Pula, menurut pengakuan pribadinya, dalam berkesenian, Devildice pekat dipengaruhi oleh film-film gangster masa lalu, kustom kulture dan eksotisme khas punk tropikal.

Jika sebelumnya merilis album melalui jalur indie maka di rangkaian komposisi yang kedua ini Devildice bekerjasama dengan Sony Music Indonesia yang notabene merupakan rumah dimana SID bermukim. Resmi terbit tanggal 9 Juni 2011, Army of the Black Rose terdiri dari sebelas tembang yang bicara nihilisme, bidadari, cinta, hujan, kehidupan dan kesepian. “(The Godfather) Army of the Black Rose”, sebagai senandung pembuka berceletoh melalui kacamata kaum nihilis soal dunia nan haus darah, rakus, dan kebenaran cuma manipulasi teori kebencian; dan mereka kesepian. “Land of No Angels” mengusung tentang harapan bagi para remaja broken home agar selalu ingat bahwa cinta ada di mana saja serta belajar memaafkan krusial adanya. Sementara “Never a Saint” dan “Rock & Roll City” adalah lagu bikinan era silam menyoroti sosok manusia yang liar, panas, penuh kejutan, plus paradoksal dari persona malaikat. Pada “Diamonds are Forever” dan “Palace of My Own Disgrace” kontingen musisi asal Kuta ini mengajakserta bintang tamu. Di kreasi yang disebut pertama hadir Sari Nymphea pada vokal, Leo dan Kappe Sinatra pada gitar serta kontra bas. Duet JRX & Sari di sini terilhami dari padu padan Johnny Cash & June Carter, bertutur tentang tak bertemunya dua perasaan yang abadi. Di kreasi kedua Hendra Fish (Telephone) berpartisipasi di departmen gitar. Di sini JRX menyodorkan isu penemuan identitas dan kesadaran baru yang dipahat oleh derasnya hujan dan sambaran petir masa lalu.

Untuk menyimak tembang Devildice selengkapnya, silakan datangi toko kaset/cakram digital terdekat. Ikuti pula terus perkembangan mereka lewat halaman Facebook dan MySpace-nya, cukup dengan mengetik “Devildice”.

English version

Devildice, a group of musicians from Bali masterminded by JRX, the drummer of Superman Is Dead, have come back with their second album. While the first album, In the Arms of the Angels (2004), was self-produced, this latest one, Army of the Black Rose (June 2011), was put together through Sony Music Indonesia.

Over 11 songs, JRX, the main song writer, talks mostly about nihilism, life and love, pain and rain. They also invite some guest stars to participate. Sari Nymphea performs a duet with JRX on the Johnny Cash-June Carter inspired song, “Diamonds are Forever”, backed up by Leo and Kappe Sinatra on guitar and contrabass. Hendra Fish (Telephone) also plays guitar on “Palace of My Own Disgrace”.

Familiarize yourself with this rock-n-roll punk quintet by checking them out first on their MySpace and Facebook page. Dig their old gangster movie and kustom kulture image and go ahead and buy the album!


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #43, July 2011
*Photos courtesy of Fabio Lorenzo and Ade Adinata

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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