16 January 2023MUSICAI ART: ROCK ‘N’ ROLL PRESCHOOLNot a huge fan of AI art, but these rock 'n' roll preschool series are so impressive!
7 January 2023MUSICIRON FIST41 years ago this month, Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister, "Fast" Eddie Clarke, and Phil "Philty" Animal, were in the studio to record Iron Fist.
31 December 2022MUSICREST IN PUNK, VIVIENNE WESTWOODThe Godmother of punk façon, Vivienne Westwood, passed away yesterday.
18 December 2022MUSICWEYES BLOOD – ANDROMEDAWeyes Blood was just awarded by SPIN magazine with a prestigious status: Artist of the Year.
13 December 2022LINGUISTICSFONDASI PRAKTIK SELEBRITAS ENERJIKMengapa yang benar itu "praktik" tapi justru "apotek" itu salah?
10 December 2022EDUCATIONAMISEWAKA LAUNCH PARTYWent to the north to visit ibu Rucina's new training centre, Amisewaka.
4 December 2022MUSICI FOUGHT THE LAW62 years ago today, The Crickets released the single “I Fought the Law” on Coral Records.
1 December 2022MUSICWEEZER AT ROAD TO NOW PLAYINGWeezer. Whisky. Surf Wax Peninsula. And women screaming ecstatically.
7 November 2022MUSICI AM STRETCHED ON YOUR GRAVEA true hidden gem from Sinead O'Connor's second album.
28 October 2022MUSICALTAMONT SPEEDWAY FREE FESTIVALPekan ini, jika saja Meredith Hunter masih hidup, maka ia bakal berusia 71 tahun.