This was last week, 1 June 2019, spent my Saturday night attending a great event at AB.BC building in Nusa Dua, Balinese Masters: Aesthetic DNA Trajectories of Balinese Visual Art. 34 magnificent Balinese artists exhibit their works.
The painting above, “Selalu Ada Maaf (Forgiveness) #2” (2015) currently presented in the exhibition. The work, from Agung Mangu Putra, truly delivers that, perhaps the last peaceful place on earth is in the arms of mothers, relationship we all have with the female figure in our lives, mother. It also symbolises a pardon plead from the state to a citizen.
The helplessness of the soldierâanyone of us in this matterâis further revealed by the weapon that has been surrendered to or taken away by the mother. The work was inspired by the historical event where President Soekarno bowed to his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, before going off with Bung Hatta and Sjahrir, to give public speeches in front of thousands of supporters of independence at Waterlooplein (now Banteng Square in Jakarta).

Watch the videos and see more amazing works by the local geniuses. The exhibition will go on till 14 July 2019. Truly worth checking out, good food for the soul!
Here’s the complete list of the artists:
1. Agung Mangu Putra.
2. Dewa Putu Mokoh.
3. Dewa Ratayoga.
4. Gede Mahendra Yasa.
5. I Made Budi.
6. I Made Djirna.
7. I Made Sumadiyasa.
8. I Nyoman Tusan.
9. I Wayan Sika.
10. Ida Bagus Putu Purwa.
11. Ida Bagus Rai.
12. IGAK Murniasih.
13. Kadek Armika.
14. Kedol Subrata.
15. Ketut Budiana.
16. Ketut Moniarta.
17. Komunitas Patung Padas Batubelah (KPPB).
18. Komunitas Lukis Kaca Batubelah (KLKB).
19. Made Budhiana.
20. Made Griyawan.
21. Made Wianta.
22. Mahendra Mangku.
23. Mangku Mura.
24. Mangku Muriati.
25. Mangku Nyoman Kondra.
26. Nyoman Erawan.
27. Nyoman Gunarsa.
28. Nyoman Nuarta.
29. Putu Sutawijaya.
30. Putu Wirantawan.
31. Wayan Bendi.
32. Wayan Karja.
33. Wayan suklu.
34. I Ketut Muja.