Balian is back with their big, badass, ballsy best: "Beautiful Mess". Always love their stuff. A strong reminiscence of 90s grunge tradition x

After a few (painful) years, not releasing anything, minimum regular performances, Balian finally back with their big, badass, ballsy best: “Beautiful Mess”.

Always love their stuff. A strong reminiscence of 90s grunge tradition x 60s-70s hard rock. Yet Pacific Northwest sludgy route via Helmet highway.

“The story is about a relationship that initially consist of warm love but then spirals out of control due to mental illness. I’ve heard various stories over the years through friends and on the news, it seems mental health is at times a taboo topic, to the point where families and friends of people suffering from mental illness feel ashamed to talk about it or seek help,” said Edward about the single.

“I hope that this song can reach out to somebody to give them courage to openly discuss what they’re going through, so people heal together, rather than suffer alone.”

Regarding the storyline which has elements of violence and brutality & the people who got involved in the video, he explained: “I came up with the initial idea of having two actors portraying the broken relationship. I knew that there would be a certain degree of violence and physicality so I invited JRX as he is in pretty good shape and figured he’d be convincing in such a role. It seemed like an interesting idea to have Nora play the female role, as they needed to be comfortable with each other and I wanted representation of more than one culture. So Nora having part European heritage covered that aspect. It just felt right all round with everyone we had involved. So back to the story, I gave a list of ideas to Erick that contained abuse, he chose the ones that he thought were going to work and added a bunch of his own too. It was probably about half half as far as content, but Erick brought the whole concept to life and put the storyline together, a far cry from the shopping list I gave him at the start. Erick also came up with the twist. I was blown away by his focus and talent, and the whole team at Est Movies. Hats off!”

Get ready for Balian’s debut album, scheduled to be released before new year!


Featured image via Creamove.

Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Picture of Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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