• Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniDevildice, a group of musicians from Bali masterminded by JRX, the drummer of Superman Is Dead, have come back with their second album. While the first album, In the Arms of the Angels (2004), was self-produced, this latest one, Army of the Black Rose (June 2011), was put together through Sony Music Indonesia. Over 11 songs, JRX, the main song writer, talks mostly about nihilism, life and love, pain and rain. They also invite some guest stars to participate. Sari Nymphea performs a duet with JRX on the Johnny Cash-June Carter inspired song, "Diamonds are Forever", backed up by Leo and Kappe Sinatra on guitar and contrabass. Hendra Fish (Telephone) also plays guitar on "Palace of My Own Disgrace". Familiarize yourself with this rock-n-roll punk quintet by checking them out first on their MySpace and Facebook page. Dig their old gangster movie and kustom kulture image and go ahead and buy the album!


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