
Homegrown & Well Known: SARI NYMPHEA

Without having any formal vocal training, Sari can still easily prove that she's one of the best female rock singers Indonesia has ever had.
Pertama kali muncul pada 1994 kala dimana musik alternatif mulai merebak di Nusantara, Fable mengawali kiprahnya di beragam panggung di Jakarta, mulai dari ajang alternatif, brit pop, hardcore, pensi sampai kafe.
Edition: November 30, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: REBEKAH E. MOORERock For Our Rights: The Planets Rarest and Most Radical Protest Songs:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Bekah herself :: ...This stage has no podium. These musicians are not politicians, news reporters, or educators. They are Indonesian citizens who share, with those in the pit tonight, a concern for justice. This rock concert is a demonstration: a loud, emotion-filled rally for honesty and equality. The dissenters do not move forward, marching in unison. They move in danceamoshing, head banging, grasping compatriots, and singing, in unison, songs that unite them and give poetic shape to a deep longing for something better, for one and all...I found these words in my research journal in 2010, written shortly after accompanying Bali-based grunge/psychedelic rock band Navicula on a tour to Jakarta to launch their latest single, "Metropolutan" (Metro-pollutant). One week earlier, the song was released for free download on the Internet. "Metropolutan" marked the band's latest critique of environmental degradation in Indonesia, a response to the pollution crisis in the nation's capital. Each night of the tour, hundreds of Navicula fans crammed into Jakarta venues and sang this song collaboratively, having memorized the lyrics after just a few days of repeated listening. As an ethnomusicologist, I came to Indonesia to study the development of the independent music industry in Bali following the 2002 bombings. But that tour, and my many other encounters with music activism in Indonesia and throughout my career have led me to a preoccupation with music as it debates and defines social justice. For my installation in this Rock-n-Roll Exhibition, I present just a handful of the many protest songs I've encountered over the years and across nations. I exclude such distinguished artists as Rage Against The Machine or Bob Marley, as well as a number of definitive protest anthems, from Marvin Gaye's "What's Goin' On" to Phil Ochs' "I Ain't Marching Anymore," despite my immense respect for these artists and anthems. Rather than revisiting the familiar classics (though I still sneak in a few favorites), I opt to explore a selection of artists---diverse in their styles, origins, and social concerns---who may be lesser known, and whose lyrical themes or personal activism has tantalized and scandalized their respective nations. In the mushrooming heat of global activism in which we find ourselves today---the fire that started on Tahrir Square and spread to Wall Street now burns in the hearts of rebels throughout this very nation---these real radicals of rock demonstrate that change begins with a brave and loud few. These musicians, I contend, uphold the highest standards of human rights and our greatest hope that, in Sam Cooke's prophetic words, "a change is gonna come." ♬ Radio streaming live:
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Nine is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into. For the 27th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Mira Lesmana.
Berdiri pada pertengahan 2011, The Triangle merupakan proyek bermusik terbaru dari Riko Prayitno (bas) selepas Mocca memutuskan vakum pada Juli lalu. Dari situlah kelompok musik ini dilahirkan. Berasal dari latar belakang musik yang berbeda namun disatukan oleh rasa yang sama. Embrio terbentuknya The Triangle bermula dari acara reguler open mic di café Beat N Bite setiap Jumat malam. Riko Prayitno bertemu dengan Cil (gitar dan vokal), seorang yang kerap tampil jamming di acara open mic yang dikelola Riko. Secara tidak sadar, dibentuk atas rasa dan minat terhadap musik yang sama, Riko dan Cil pun memutuskan untuk memulai proyek bermusik baru yang lebih serius. The Triangle, nama yang diberikan setelah Riko dan Cil mengajak Fikri (gitaris Vincent Vega) untuk turut bergabung sebagai gitaris tambahan. Formasi trio ini pula yang melengkapi formasi inti Triangle. Tak ada makna semantik atau filosofis dibalik pemilihan nama The Triangle, selain karena bahwa grup ini dimotori oleh tiga orang. Pada awalnya, Triangle dibentuk sebagai trio dengan format akustik. Seiring waktu berjalan, kebutuhan lagu membuat mereka merombak format trio. Hingga sekarang The Triangle dibantu oleh beberapa additional player yaitu Koi (drum) yang juga penggebuk grup band Ansaphone, Agung (keyboard), Tommy (trumpet), dan Dian (trombone). Formasi lengkap inilah yang menjadikan musik indie rock The Triangle menjadi kaya dan megah. Musik Triangle sendiri dilahirkan dari perpaduan karakter bermusik tiap personel yang diikat oleh apa yang disampaikan melalui untaian kata-kata yang diungkapkan oleh sang vokalis. Kepada sejawat peminat indie rock dan/atau musik bagus, The Triangle berbaik hati membagi cuma-cuma lagunya di sini. Silakan masuk ke halaman utama lalu mengunduhnya bebas bea.
Edition: October 19, 2011Rock-n-Roll-Exhibition: WENING GITOMARTOYOBest Days:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, handpicked and written by Wening herself :: HALO, KAWAN Pertama-tama, terima kasih untuk yang tersohor Rudolf Dethu atas undangannya untuk membuat pameran musik ini. Saya kerap merasa gugup saat membuat playlist atau mixtape/CD, karena pasti saya akan berlaku ceroboh alias ada saja yang terselip atau malah menyertakan lagu yang nantinya saya sesali. Berhubung saya sudah jarang membuat mixtape/CD untuk kawan-kawan, ini saya buat untuk (ceritanya) kawan baru alias sebagai sarana berkenalan sekaligus untuk kawan lama. Kurang lebih inilah lagu-lagu dalam keseharian saya, yang membuat saya menangis, terkagum-kagum, sampai bergoyang halus di balik meja kantor. Ada beberapa nama kegemaran yang tak tercantum, seperti Cocteau Twins atau David Gates, tapi tak menyebutkan bukan berarti tak mencintai (walau bukan lantas berarti saya suka Nicki Minaj). Semoga menikmati. Radio streaming live:
The city of Bekasi has never been much known for its musical talent, that is, with the possible exception of The Experience Brothers. The rocking' duo are currently playing to packed audiences all over the place, not to mention having a new album out there. After forming as a trio in 2001 and recording their first album in 2008 called Summer of Love, they decided to change the lineup to a duo, featuring Ibrahim Saladdin as the lead vocalist and guitarist, and Daud Sarassin in charge of drums and backing vocal. In 2011 they finally released their new album, Eye Contact, with the track "She's Alright" as their first single. They call their mix of Beatles, The Who, Led Zeppelin and raw today's music as "modern psychedelic rock blues". If you're still not convinced, check them out first on MySpace and join their Facebook page, or try to catch one of their frequent live gigs around town.
DOMESTIC GROOVE ~ Celeb's Chosen Nine is my biweekly column in The Beat (Jakarta) mag. Basically it's an interview via e-mail which focuses on small, intimate, domestic stuff; what Indonesia's public figures are really into. For the 26th edition I went upclose-and-personal with Eka Rock.
Roman Catholic Skulls adalah proyek musik dari Marcel Thee (Sajama Cut, The Knife Club, Ghost Kingdom) dan Danif Pradana (Sabedarah, Kalimayat, Udanwatu, Khuruksetra). Dengan senang hati duo asal Jakarta ini membagikan gratis album perdana mereka, Weathered, di sini.
Geekssmile, grup musik asal Bali bentukan 2001 ini kini telah berevolusi: berformasi kuartet, dengan satu biduan, beringsut meninggalkan rap-rock lalu menuju heavy metal/progressive rock. Silakan unduh bebas bea satu tembang yang menyoroti gejala patriotisme malas berpikir---sebuah fenomena nan akut menginfeksi masyarakat Indonesia---bertajuk "(((Yeah Yeah Yeah Indonesia)))"


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