
rumahsakit: 1+2

One of the most respected bands from the 90's era, rumahsakit, are back from the dead with their newest album, 1+2.

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Salah satu dari sedikit kolektif legendaris dari skena alternatif di era 90-an, rumahsakit, telah bersepakat untuk menghimpun diri kembali serta menerbitkan karya. Tanggal 12/12/12 silam menjadi tanggal bersejarah munculnya lagi band asal Jakarta ini. Bertempat di sebuah resto & bar di Cilandak Town Square kelompok yang kini beranggotakan Andri Ashari (biduan), Mark Ricardo Najoan (gitar), Shendy Adam (bas), McDonald J. Najoan (kibor) dan Fadli Wardhana (drum) secara resmi menerbitkan album ketiga mereka bertajuk 1+2.

“Album ini lebih kepada reinkarnasi album satu dan dua,” ujar Andri soal alasan dipilihnya judul tersebut. Memang, sebagian komposisi dari album pertama dan kedua mengalami proses perekaman ulang lalu ditambahkan dengan empat tembang yang sama sekali baru. Album yang dikerjakan sejak Februari hingga Maret 2012 yang dirilis di bawah label Off The Records/Bravo Musik ini mulai menyentak perhatian publik ketika single perdananya, “Bernyanyi Menunggu”, dirilis secara gratis via dunia maya beberapa minggu lalu serta mendapat sambutan nan antusias dari kawanan penggemar lamanya yang rupanya amat merindukan mereka. Konser peluncuran album pada Rabu 12 Desember 2012 yang dipadati penonton pun menjadi bukti sahih bahwa rumahsakit masih disegani di kalangan penggiat dan penikmat indie/alternatif.

Terbentuk pada 1994, rumahsakit yang pekat dipengaruhi Britpop utamanya The Stone Roses, Blur, dan The Charlatans melahirkan album perdananya pada 1998, rumahsakit (Independent Records), berlanjut dengan Nol Derajat (Pops Records) pada 2000. Pamor mereka yang menjulang khususnya di skena alternatif ibukota rupanya tak cukup untuk mempertahankan eksistensi mereka. Empat tahun setelah dirilisnya Nol Derajat mereka memutuskan untuk pecah kongsi. Intensitas pekerjaan menjadi alasan utama pembubaran diri—walau bukan berarti para personelnya berhenti bermusik. Di tahun 2010 sempat terjadi reuni dadakan pada sebuah pertunjukan musik di Bulungan di hadapan 2000 penonton. Namun setelah itu mereka kembali ke kesibukannya masing-masing. Kini rumahsakit datang lagi menyambangi dengan 1+2.

Dapatkan album mereka di gerai musik terdekat serta ikuti perkembangan mutakhirnya dengan rajin mengunjungi situs resmi mereka

[youtuber youtube=’′]


English version

One of the most respected bands from the 90’s era, rumahsakit, are back from the dead with their newest album, 1+2. Released on 12/12/12 this is their third album after rumahsakit (1998) and Nol Derajat (2000). A few weeks before the album was released, they distributed their first single, “Bernyanyi Menunggu”, as a teaser, for free (online).

According to Andri Ashari, the vocalist, the album title 1+2 is based on the fact that some of the songs are taken from the first and second album and rerecorded, while another 4 songs are absolutely new. Completed over two months in early 2012, the album is released under Off The Records/Bravo Musik.

Founded in 1994, rumahsakit have created big buzz from the start. Their group of loyal followers is well established. Their reputation as one out of only a few 90’s alternative local heroes is still strong, and was well evident during their album release party at a bar in Cilandak Town Square on 12th of December. The place was packed with an enthusiastic crowd and quite a few indie-scene veterans were sighted.

Keep yourself updated by frequently visiting their official website


*This article was firstly published on The Beat (Jakarta) #78, Dec 24, 2012 – Jan 06, 2013

Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.
Rudolf Dethu

Rudolf Dethu

Music journalist, writer, radio DJ, socio-political activist, creative industry leader, and a qualified librarian, Rudolf Dethu is heavily under the influence of the punk rock philosophy. Often tagged as this country’s version of Malcolm McLaren—or as Rolling Stone Indonesia put it ‘the grand master of music propaganda’—a name based on his successes when managing Bali’s two favourite bands, Superman Is Dead and Navicula, both who have become two of the nation’s biggest rock bands.


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