
Urban Jazz Crossover: Memudahkan, Meringankan, Menggembirakan

Jazz kerap divonis oleh sebagian kalangan sebagai musik sulit, susah dicerna, kurang membumi, dan beragam stigma sejenis. Di Indonesia sendiri perkembangan Jazz di masa-masa awal menemui kendala gigantik. Selain masyarakat umumnya belum siap dengan “kerumitan” musikal khas Jazz serta masih lebih memilih menyimak yang gampang dikonsumsi kuping, isu sumber daya manusia juga menjadi masalah signifikan: Nusantara kekurangan musisi handal lagi mampu meramu musik bikinan kaum kulit hitam ini. Namun, berkat usaha pantang menyerah dari segelintir penggiat Jazz lokal, eksistensi musik ini menunjukkan performa cukup baik, baik kualitas maupun kuantitas---pelan tapi pasti, lambat namun selamat---grafiknya terus menaik.
Perserikatan introspective folk paling dihormati di Bali yang notabene pamornya berangsur kian benderang dalam lingkup Nusantara, Dialog Dini Hari, baru saja menerbitkan album termutakhirnya, Lengkung Langit.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia silakan klik di siniHere comes tristan, an alternative folk duo who are currently much-loved by many young adult Jakartans. Two high-school friends are the main members, Andrie Ridwan (singer, songwriter) and Andrew Hutasoit (multi-instrumentalist, composer), and they have just released their full-length debut album, HOME. Consisting of 11 songs, only one is written in Indonesian, the rest are in English. However, the Indonesian one, "Jelang Malam", was instantly appreciated by the Indonesian public and has reached top position on one of Jakarta radio's indie charts. Released under the flag of demajors records, all of the album materials were intimately recorded at home, using what the band calls their "home-recording" technique. Presenting "Songbird" as their first single, tristan music style is, according to them, heavily infected by The Beatles, Radiohead, Nick Drake, Jon Brion and Brooke Fraser. Keep yourself updated by visiting frequently, and following the band on Twitter at @tristanologi.
Edition: May 25, 2011Rock-n-Roll Exhibition: PHIL MIMBIMIKitchen Sink Harmony - The Songs of the Cooking Doctor, the Artist Formerly Known as "a Darling Culinarian" aka Chef PM:: Playlist, intro, song descriptions, and photos, written and handpicked by Phil Himself :: Music is like a form of self expression. I’m a big fan of art, creativity, entertainment. In my line of work I really appreciate and respect musicians as they express themselves uniquely in their own way driven by passion and inspiration. I apply this same form of creative drive when I’m in the kitchen cooking. Music is so emotional and it's fun to listen to. I enjoy almost all kinds of music because its about people. It's the same way I cook, almost every ingredient I enjoy working with and cooking to serve people to eat one of the most basic forms of human needs. Music inspires people to move, groove, dance, and be happy. I put together this playlist of just songs that come from memories of mine throughout my own personal experiences and journeys. It's a wide range of artists, musicians, and performers that are all over the spectrum. Hope there is something in here that everyone can enjoy. ♬♪ Radio streaming live ♫♩♪
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